A Home Where All Can Belong and Experience God's Love

Our church welcomes and serves all through fellowship, outreach & worship.

Prayer Request

Your New Spiritual Home Awaits You

Welcome to St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church, based in Augusta, where faith and diversity converge in a harmonious blend of diverse backgrounds, cultural passions, and political viewpoints. Within this warm and inviting community, we eagerly take on the task of being devoted disciples of Jesus in a world that constantly shifts, occasionally confuses, yet never fails to captivate. Welcome to a sanctuary where authenticity and love intertwine on the journey of faith.

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Experience the divine connection – join us in our worship service!

  • Holy Eucharist

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ultricies elementum efficitur. Sed nunc arcu, scelerisque vel elementum ut, sodales a felis. Donec pellentesque augue dui, sit amet semper purus aliquam at. Donec commodo felis quis lacus pulvinar ultricies non in eros. Praesent volutpat rhoncus congue. Etiam pharetra ligula justo, id cursus leo cursus sagittis. Etiam dictum, eros nec venenatis consectetur, nisi lacus vulputate felis, non posuere mauris felis et mi. Aliquam dictum, dolor et vehicula efficitur, turpis dui maximus erat, ut iaculis metus justo facilisis libero. Nam auctor rhoncus augue non bibendum. Mauris facilisis massa eget tellus gravida tincidunt. Nullam sagittis viverra nisl, pretium tristique risus vulputate et. Proin vel pulvinar nisl. Pellentesque vulputate, mi at cursus consectetur, nulla urna luctus elit, vel varius turpis justo eu urna. Sed in cursus erat, quis blandit mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

  • Healing Service

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ultricies elementum efficitur. Sed nunc arcu, scelerisque vel elementum ut, sodales a felis. Donec pellentesque augue dui, sit amet semper purus aliquam at. Donec commodo felis quis lacus pulvinar ultricies non in eros. Praesent volutpat rhoncus congue. Etiam pharetra ligula justo, id cursus leo cursus sagittis. Etiam dictum, eros nec venenatis consectetur, nisi lacus vulputate felis, non posuere mauris felis et mi. Aliquam dictum, dolor et vehicula efficitur, turpis dui maximus erat, ut iaculis metus justo facilisis libero. Nam auctor rhoncus augue non bibendum. Mauris facilisis massa eget tellus gravida tincidunt. Nullam sagittis viverra nisl, pretium tristique risus vulputate et. Proin vel pulvinar nisl. Pellentesque vulputate, mi at cursus consectetur, nulla urna luctus elit, vel varius turpis justo eu urna. Sed in cursus erat, quis blandit mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

  • Daily Office

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi ultricies elementum efficitur. Sed nunc arcu, scelerisque vel elementum ut, sodales a felis. Donec pellentesque augue dui, sit amet semper purus aliquam at. Donec commodo felis quis lacus pulvinar ultricies non in eros. Praesent volutpat rhoncus congue. Etiam pharetra ligula justo, id cursus leo cursus sagittis. Etiam dictum, eros nec venenatis consectetur, nisi lacus vulputate felis, non posuere mauris felis et mi. Aliquam dictum, dolor et vehicula efficitur, turpis dui maximus erat, ut iaculis metus justo facilisis libero. Nam auctor rhoncus augue non bibendum. Mauris facilisis massa eget tellus gravida tincidunt. Nullam sagittis viverra nisl, pretium tristique risus vulputate et. Proin vel pulvinar nisl. Pellentesque vulputate, mi at cursus consectetur, nulla urna luctus elit, vel varius turpis justo eu urna. Sed in cursus erat, quis blandit mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

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Rite I: 8:00 a.m.

Rite II: 10:30 a.m.

Watch the 10:30 service live via Facebook Live and YouTube.

Monday - Friday


Service Time: 10:00 a.m.

via Zoom

Call the church office at (706) 738-6676 to be added as a participant.


Service Time: 12:00 Noon

Watch the service live via Facebook Live and YouTube.

Monday - Friday


Service Time: 8:00 a.m.

via Zoom

Call the church office at (706) 738-6676 to be added as a participant.

a group of people posing for a picture in front of a sign that says episcopal day school
two men and a woman pose for a picture in a church
a large group of people are gathered in a church with stained glass windows

The Rev. Terri Degenhardt

The Rev. Terri Walker Degenhardt was ordained to the priesthood in May of 2017. She attended the bi-vocational program at the University of the South, Sewanee, for two years to prepare for ordination to the bi-vocational ministry.

The Rev. Terri is currently taking part in The Sewanee Ministry Collaborative, a three-year program presently led by The Rev. Dr. Bill Brosend. The focus this year is “Thriving in Ministry” and offers minsters from all over the world opportunities for educational as well as spiritual growth. She is also serving as Chaplain for the Episcopal Church Women, serves on the board for a food ministry in Louisville, and is a member of Rotary.

The Rev. Dr. Kurt Miller

Associate Priest - kurt@st-augustines.org

A “cradle Episcopalian,” he was baptized, confirmed, and served as an acolyte at St. Phillip’s Episcopal Church in Newark, New Jersey, before joining the Army. He retired from the Army after 26 years of active federal service. His last assignment at Fort Gordon was as Sergeant Major of the Telecommunications Center Operator Courses. In 1982, he went to work with the Civil Service as an Engineering Technician and Engineer Mobilization Planner at the Facilities Engineer on Fort Gordon. From 1984 to 2005, he was a training specialist in the Signal Regimental Officer’s Academy, now the 442nd Signal Brigade. He is also an adjunct professor for Religious Studies at the Augusta-Fort Gordon Branch of Georgia Military College.

Church Happenings

Whether it is reaching out to those in our own community or abroad,
St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church has a passion for helping others. While we do various service and outreach events throughout the year, there are certain local ministries that we support on a regular basis. These include Laundry Love, Story Box, Christ Church Community Meal, Friendship Community Center, and Fisher House Augusta. To learn more about our programs and events, or to find out how you can become involved, click the button below or reach out to us for more information.

More Information

Your Generosity Makes a Huge Difference

Your support strengthens our outreach and mission. Your generosity fuels hope, love, and understanding in our community and beyond. With your support, vital programs receive the boost they require, extending a helping hand to those in need and paving the way for personal and spiritual growth. Join us in crafting a legacy of positive change by making a donation to St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church so popular?

    Discover a place of belonging and spiritual nourishment at St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church in Augusta, GA. Our church is not just a building; it's a vibrant community where every individual is welcomed with open arms. At our church, you'll find a sanctuary to experience God's love in its most profound form. Our church's diverse programs and activities ensure that there's something for everyone. Join our church family, where your faith journey is supported and celebrated. St. Augustine's church is more than a place of worship; it's a home for all.

  • What is the best way to get in contact with your leadership?

    For general inquiries, you can send us an email at churchoffice@st-augustines.org or call us directly at 706-738-6676 for a list of the appropriate contacts to address various needs.

  • Do you accept online prayer requests?

    Yes, we do! Fill out the details on our Prayer Request Form, and we will conduct a private or public prayer during Sunday service, depending on your preferences. If you need assistance with the form or have any questions, feel free to reach out to us directly.

Get in Touch Today

St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church

Phone: 706-738-6676

Email: ChurchOffice@st-augustines.org

3321 Wheeler Road

Augusta, Georgia 30909

Church Office Hours: 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

Monday to Thursday

Know someone who needs prayer, a phone call, a visit, or a meal prepared? Please let us know by contacting the Pastoral Care Committee, reaching out in love and care to those in need. Provide your name and contact information, and indicate the person(s) needing care and what sort of care is needed.


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